Thursday, February 20, 2014

Easier Way For Installing KloxoMr On Centos

Install KloxoMr on Centos 5.9 32bit | 5.9 64bit | 6.0 32bit | 6.0 64bit

Updated Dec 15 2014

Login to your root server via putty
# cd /

update centos to latest version
# yum update -y
# yum install yum-utils yum-priorities vim-minimal subversion curl zip unzip -y
# yum install telnet wget -y
# setenforce 0
# echo ‘SELINUX=disabled’ > /etc/selinux/config
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
# cd /

# cd /tmp
#rm -f mratwork*

get repo file -- no need for 6.5.0.c and after

 # wget --no-check-certificate

# cd /

#yum clean all

# yum update mratwork-* -y
# yum install kloxomr -y

Install KloxoMR:
# sh /script/upcp
# reboot

Login to SSH once again, update for security:
# yum clean all
# yum update

Very important:
Login to your KloxoMr and execute the following:

(1) Go to "Switch Program"

(2) Goto "services". Turn the httpd into green.

Back to SSH, run:
# sh /script/restart-all
# Reboot

The success rate of the installation is near to 100% guaranteed.

Problem 1: Unable to login KloxoMr?
Run from SSH:
# yum update
# sh /script/cleanup
# sh /script/fix-all
# sh /script/restart-all
# reboot

Just In Case:

# fix web config to make sure using latest
sh /script/fixweb --server=all
# reboot

Problem 2: Your Domain Unable To Go Live
Always shown by image below

I hate to see that instead of my own domain. So, how?
Follow the below instructions.

(1) Go to "Switch Program"

(2) Execute:
# sh /script/restart-all
# Reboot

That's all. You are good to go

Monday, December 9, 2013

Kloxo - Apache httpd_start_failed

[ Solved] Apache httpd_start_failed - Red Icon

Firefox, Chrome could not connect to my domain. I have this problem in the month of Dec 09, 2013.

  1. I opened a ticket, take time to get back the answer.
  2. I open a thread at Kloxo forum,  no answer provided.
  3. Then, I went into BlueVM chat section, I told that I had this problem. A guy name as Justin Johnston attended my question. Big thanks to him.
At first, I run # service httpd restart and received an error shown as below. However, I don't think this is the major problem. I was httpd unable to start.

Through our chat, Johnston, he asked for my domain and my ticket number. After that, he checked my problem. At first, he advise me to run a command: ( I used putty )
# service mysql restart

After run that command inside the root, I switched over my Kloxo panel. I found my httpd icon turned into green color which is great. Nevertheless, I still have one more problem. Above first image, row no.6, named has been red.

Take Note: Before I took the action,

  • I can login to my Kloxo panel.
  • I can use FTP for download and upload
  • I can login to root via putty.

The only thing is I could not connect to my domains through both browsers mentioned above.

Johnston checked again. Within a few minutes, he said I should not put a comma in the SOA records. I didn't really understand by that because I never do anything on my host or server. It all came at a sudden. You know, sometimes, thing happened beyond our control.


I asked him what command he run. He told me like below.
# /var/named/chroot/var/named/yourdomain

To check the Status:

  • Login to Kloxo Cntrol Panel,
  • Under Server Menu - Select "Service"

Now, the color of "named" is green. Finally, I can connect to all my domain. You can see from the following.

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